RadTrike error codes

Your RadTrike is equipped with an error detection system integrated into the display and motor controller. In the case of an electronic control system fault, an error code should appear on the Rad UI Remote in the form of a large “E” and a sequence of lighted power bars. The lower bars represent the first digit of the error code, and the top bars represent the second digit. The following error codes are the most common on the Trike.

If an error code displays, make note of the number or take a picture. Try turning the trike off and then back on, and make sure you are not causing the error by holding the hand brake or pressing another button on the remote at the same time.


Error 21: Abnormal current

This error indicates a problem with the power going from the battery to the controller. This error can often be fixed by turning the bike off and on again, but if you continue to get the error click HERE for additional troubleshooting steps.


Error 22: Throttle fault

This error indicates a throttle issue. Click HERE for troubleshooting steps related to this error.


Error 23: Motor phase fault

This error indicates a problem with the motor phase wires. Click HERE for troubleshooting steps related to this error.


Error 24: Motor hall fault

This error indicates a problem with the motor connector. Click HERE for troubleshooting steps related to this error.


Error 25: Brake switch fault

This error indicates a brake switch fault, but can often be fixed by releasing the hand brake when powering on the trike. If you continue to get the error, click HERE for additional troubleshooting steps.


Error 30: Communication fault

This error indicates a connection error somewhere on the bike. Click HERE for troubleshooting steps related to this error.

NOTE: This error may also appear as a low battery warning (single flashing power bar) on some Trikes. If you get a low battery warning on the remote but the charge indicator on the battery indicates there is sufficient charge, proceed with troubleshooting a connection error as described above.



Error 31: Power fault

This error indicates a failure during the power on sequence, often caused by holding down the power button for more than six seconds, or if the power button is stuck. 


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